CH Housing of Multiple Occupancy Licence (HMO) Module

The CH Housing of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) Licence Module provides public access to apply for or renew an existing licence to manage a House of Multiple Occupancy either as an individual or as a business. This content is not available to download from AppShare. Please speak to your Account Manager or Engagement Manager to arrange for an installation.

Liberty Create 2021.3
Release Date
18th June 2020


CH Modules are designed to help accelerate a council’s implementation of a particular service delivery.  The CH Modules are designed to work as part of the Netcall CH Framework and therefore both CH Central and CH Host are prerequisites.

The CH Framework has been created in a way that allows you to download and deploy these accelerators yourself.  Alternatively, this can be done in partnership with Netcall, and we offer a dedicated CH Training course to help you learn to deploy, create and share your own CH add-ons.

The CH Housing of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) Licence Module provides public access to apply for or renew an existing licence to manage a House of Multiple Occupancy either as an individual or as a business.

This licence application has been built in a way which supports the ability to provide information on an individual applicant and or a Business application.  Where the Licence is for a Business to run a HMO then they are asked to provide Business specific information including details of their Company Directors.  All applicants are asked to include information about the Property including Location, Plans and who will be the landlord.

The Process includes steps to manage the differences between a new application and a renewal including asking for additional information, arranging an appointment to visit and inspect the property and also steps to pass the request for approval on to a back office team with checks for regular updates.  Whilst this doesn't include an automated integration as part of the module this could be added using the Liberty Create integrations features if required.

The process includes automated emails at all key steps to ensure that the applicants are kept up to date on the progress of their application. The addition of Note tracking throughout the module also means that a full chronology of steps and comments is easily accessible within the module.

The module can be expanded to include additional questions and additional process steps to suit a particular council’s requirement.

This content is not available to download from AppShare. Please speak to your Account Manager or Engagement Manager to arrange for an installation.

