CH Central

CH Central is a Local Government Accelerator that brings all of the citizen information together from across the CH Framework. It includes user interfaces for both employees and for citizens. It is designed to take input from the CH Framework, a library of Public Sector Modules.

Citizen Hub 2021.3
Release Date
23rd September 2019


Citizen Hub is not available to download from AppShare. Please speak to your Account Manager to arrange for a Citizen Hub Installation!

CH Central is a key part of the Netcall Citizen Hub Framework (CH).  There are two essential accelerators that form part of this framework, CH Central and CH Host.  We would recommend that you install both and then choose one of the many CH Modules available in the AppShare to help you accelerate your implementation.  Alternatively you can create your own service(s) in CH Host and then consider sharing these to the AppShare in line with the Digital Declaration.

The CH Framework accelerators and modules can be completely customised to suit the specific needs of the Council and tailored to deliver critical information to the agent and customer at first point of contact. It also supports Integration with Liberty Converse in all elements of the CH Framework.

The CH Framework is free to any Create user, however due to some of the specific architectural approaches and use of Modules introduced in the framework we ask that anyone wishing to deploy the CH Central and CH Host accelerators contact their Netcall Account Manager or relevant Netcall contact. The Framework cannot be downloaded directly from the AppShare.

To help customers implement and configure the free CH Framework Netcall offer a dedicated CH training course and mentoring. Note all Subsequent installations of CH Host and CH Modules can then be undertaken without the need for assistance from Netcall.

Netcall CH Framework is comprised of a number of different Elements.

CH Central Accelerator

The CH Central Accelerator is the core of the CH Framework and provides the functionality to manage cases from creation to completion.

The Accelerator provides pages for Citizens to create new and monitor existing cases.

CH Central also provides Council staff with access to cases that have been assigned to them to progress.  These can then be progressed through the relevant stages dependent on the particular case type.  They also have access to the customer record, which provides them with full access to the customer history, including open and closed cases.

CH Host Accelerator

CH Host acts as a host for and provides the framework to support CH Modules within the Framework. 

This includes the integration to CH Central to access the Core customer records, cases can then be raised against these customers.   Once created the summary information is shared with CH Central to provide your employees with an overview of a particular customer’s engagement with you.

You can install one or many CH Host(s) within your Liberty Create controller and they will all work with a single CH Central instance.  Use of the CH Host Accelerator is therefore dependent on the installation of the CH Central Accelerator.  

CH Modules 

CH Modules are designed to provide an example of a service-based solution that can be used to promote and support a council’s desire to move to a more ‘digital first’ service provision.

Each CH Module will provide the basic form capture and a process to manage the lifecycle of the case, from creation to completion.  Each stage of the process also includes any automated email communication that is necessary for this process.

